Billie Corley Ministries

I’m a down-to-earth gal with a heart to inspire ladies to live Christ-centered lives.
Next to loving my wonderful husband, Ben, studying and teaching the Scriptures occupy most of my time.
As a way of introducing myself, I thought it'd be fun to share some of my favorite things:
Sunsets and sunrises, if the sun rose later on in the day.
Geese. I especially like seeing them fly in a V formation and hearing them honk.
Ice Cream! Ok, I must admit ice cream is a weakness especially if I can doll it up with lots of chocolate syrup. Yum.
Walking. I strive to get at least 10K steps daily and especially like walking in the evenings.
Laying by the pool or going to the beach. However, lately, I don’t make nearly enough time for this relaxation as I should.
Baking – When I’m in my kitchen baking, I’m in my happy place. I particularly delight in sharing baked goods during the holiday season.
My favorite season is FALL. It takes a great deal of restraint on my part not to decorate in July when some store’s stock for the season.
Reading. No matter where I go, I make certain I have a book or two with me just in case I find a few minutes of down/waiting time.

And last, but not least, writing. I write all my Bible studies and am currently working on several projects which I hope to offer on my product page sometime towards the end of the year.
I have two articles published in compilation books through My articles can be found in Heart Renovation: A Construction Guide to Godly Character and The Power
to Make a Difference: Strategies, Insights, and Encouragement in Forty Short Bible Studies I also have contributed a few articles in Lighthouse Bible Studies quarter magazine, Refresh.
Although I was raised by parents that believed in God and went to church occasionally, I didn’t surrender my life to Jesus Christ until I was 27 years old.
Immediately, God began a new work in my life. Having previously gone the ways of the world, He began stripping worldly habits from my life and replacing them with a desire to live fully for Him.
Have I made mistakes? You bet ‘cha! I learned a long time ago; I won’t be perfect on this side of heaven. I’ve learned failure isn’t final unless you fail to try. My motto over the years has been: “You may see me struggle, but you’ll never see me quit.”
So, with God’s strength, I press toward the mark for the prize of the
high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14). And as Paul described in the book of Acts, with God’s grace, I look forward to finishing my course with joy.
All for HIS glory,